"The Lonely 1 Acts Festival" - A Live, Virtual Theatre Performance

Join me for a one-night-only, free, LIVE-theatre event, streaming on YouTube, and Facebook Live on Friday, September 18th at 7 pm. The event will begin with FISH airing at 7 pm, followed by Spaceship Earth at 8:30 pm. You can catch me, and my space-buns, as Barb in Spaceship Earth!

“The Lonely 1 Acts Festival" is a play festival composed of two 1 Act, original plays: FISH, written and directed by Matt Smaldone, and Spaceship Earth, written and directed by Sam Boelens.

Read below to learn more about the playwrights and their visions…

Playwright and director of FISH, Matt Smaldone, elaborates on the development and message of his original work sharing,

“My play FISH is about meaning: the meaning of relationality, the meaning of participation in the world, the meaning of sexuality. It also talks about the negative consequences of rejecting or ignoring these truths: isolation, doubt, fear, pain, disrespect. I began writing this play during Freshman year of college and never would've thought I would've completed it and would be directing it during a global pandemic, but that has only helped pull out these themes more.”

He continues,

“I wrote the play because I feel we, as a society, don't put enough stock in ourselves and what we do. We are all made for greatness and for love, but sometimes we settle for less, sometimes we intentionally seek out less because (quoting the uncle of a great superhero) with great power comes great responsibility. To achieve greatness and love we need discipline, self-control, righteousness, and courage. These are scary ideals to strive towards, but I believe they are necessary. A person never plateaus. If they are not going up, they are going down.”

Sam Boelens, the playwright and director of Spaceship Earth, shares with you the meaning behind his play,

“My play is all about isolation, getting lost, being found, and finding family. The island is full of a bunch of castaways. They're all lost, alone, together... like they're in quarantine, right? Loneliness... The lonely 1 acts...  Get it? Cool.”

To join in on the fun click on the links for the live-stream below!

Facebook Live Stream

YouTube Link

For more information on the creative process check out my previous post entitled “Introducing… The Lonely 1 Acts Festival.”