Learn about: The Quick Quarantined Play Festival

I am still creating and playing even while in quarantine!

During the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, Vintage Soul Productions is producing a virtual play festival- “Quick Quarantined Play Festival.” I will be participating in Week 5 of the play festival which takes place May 5th through May 9th. This festival provides a wonderful way for playwrights and actors to form relationships and create work under "creative pressure." What makes this experience a fun and unique challenge is the collaboration with playwrights and actors. Monologues are NOT pre-written. They are written for the assigned actors. In this case, the actor is the muse, and things move at a rapid pace in each round.

Tuesday- Festival round begins with a Zoom Meet and Greet with those actors and playwrights selected for the week.

Wednesday- Friday: Playwrights find out their assignments, actors receive their monologues, and actors turn in their recorded performance on Friday evening. ​(I receive my monologue at 8 pm on Thursday and have until 9 pm Friday to submit the final copy.)

Saturday: Monologue videos from actors are compiled and released on Facebook for all to enjoy! The videos will be accessible via the website, Facebook Page, and YouTube shortly after each round.

Featuring all actors in Week 5 of the Quick Quarantined Play Festival.

Featuring all actors in Week 5 of the Quick Quarantined Play Festival.

A word from Vintage Soul Productions…

“This festival was designed for dedicated, passionate, thrill-seeking, experienced playwrights and actors who want to commit to the challenge of creating a raw and good performance quickly. We value the hard work and time all parties put into this process. If you have a full schedule on Thursday (playwrights) and Friday (actors), we encourage you to wait to apply for when you are truly available. There are no second chances for dropped performances.

We are excited to share our love of performing arts with you. The name, Vintage Soul, comes from the feeling that we have so much to learn from the past whether our personal and unique stories or those of old with gems to teach lessons and help us look into the present. By visiting the past we learn about ourselves in many ways. By performing we celebrate life and all of it's beautiful and tragic memories.

We are a network of performing artists who love to share the gift of theater with our community.”


Read the recent article from the New Haven Arts Council about the festival here: https://www.newhavenarts.org/arts-pap...